Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Good News Bear

We went to Zion the Emergency hospital yesterday for our Ultrasound with a Perinatologist, needless to say, we were nothing short of freaking out. Let me recap our journey with baby so far...

2 weeks ago at our 1st ultrasound they informed us that they saw what was possibly an effusion (fluid around the baby's heart) and also that I had Complete Placenta Previa (placenta covers the cervix completely), two things you dont want to happen in pregnancy. After they tell you this, all they can say is don't worry yet and the famous "everything will be okay". But let's be honest...For a first time mother, this is scary, im AM going to worry, and I feel like NOTHING is okay. I spent the next 2 weeks up until the very hour of my next ultrasound on the internet trying to find all the info I could on these two conditions. Doctors were really no help and my Nurse Midwife was out of town (but of course). All I could find on the internet were horror stories of women on bedrest, women bleeding throughout pregnancy, babies born at 24 weeks, and yada yada. I was a complete wreck. I forgot to mention that on top of all that, kaiser ordered more bloodwork on me to screen for chromosonal diseases, which we had originally declined in the first trimester because we thought, "What are the odds anyway?". Silly us. Apparently effusion is sometimes a sign visible in ultrasounds related to trisomy 21 (Downs syndrome) and Trisomy 13. Awesome right? Righhhhhhttt

So back to yesterday. We show up, complete nervous wrecks (well, me anyways. Jimmy is really great about being positive) and ready for whatever news they had. They forgot to book our appointment which tacked on a whole extra hour of anxiety but finally we got in. One hour and 84 sonogram pictures of our little guy later, the technician gives us the news.. The report from the last ultrasound stating that there was a complete previa was a TYPO. Yup, the thing that has had me on the edge of my seat and on the verge of tears for 2 weeks was a flippin typo. Also, there were no signs of an effusion in this ultrasound and my blood work was normal. A crazy crazy 2 weeks, BUT, our baby boy is extremely healthy and nothing left to worry about (except for getting through the upcoming HOT summer).

*Peace and Love*

1 comment:

  1. ohhh my gosh!!! no one tells me anything!!!!

    I didn't know that you had a serious all! I am so glad that he is healthy and happy!!!

    and I didn't know that you had a blog!!!!!!!

    geesh I am so out of the loop!

    love ya guys!
