Friday, August 14, 2009

Birthday Fun..

Wednesday August 12th was Jimmy's birthday, here are some pics..

Look at our haircuts we got in July =] :

The gang at dinner:

This is me being attacked by Jimmy, I got him Nerf guns for his birthday haha:

And this is me firing back:

He saw G.I.Joe and it all unraveled from there:

The cashier at target who rang up the nerf gun set asked me if it was for one of my kids and I couldnt help but laugh so hard.. I explained to him that it was actually for my 29 year old husband. I think it took every inch of him to keep from laughing and then he made a very good point... He said that staying young is good for the soul. I realized that beyond Jimmy being caring, loving, and funny.. He has a great soul and an infectous positive attitude. Im a lucky lucky girl and we had a blast celebrating his birthday with the family.
And happy (very) belated birthday Chad, Melissa, and Kaiya... Love you guys!!
*Peace and Love*