Friday, August 14, 2009

Birthday Fun..

Wednesday August 12th was Jimmy's birthday, here are some pics..

Look at our haircuts we got in July =] :

The gang at dinner:

This is me being attacked by Jimmy, I got him Nerf guns for his birthday haha:

And this is me firing back:

He saw G.I.Joe and it all unraveled from there:

The cashier at target who rang up the nerf gun set asked me if it was for one of my kids and I couldnt help but laugh so hard.. I explained to him that it was actually for my 29 year old husband. I think it took every inch of him to keep from laughing and then he made a very good point... He said that staying young is good for the soul. I realized that beyond Jimmy being caring, loving, and funny.. He has a great soul and an infectous positive attitude. Im a lucky lucky girl and we had a blast celebrating his birthday with the family.
And happy (very) belated birthday Chad, Melissa, and Kaiya... Love you guys!!
*Peace and Love*


  1. i like seeing your belly! I think you need to put up some preggo pictures so I can see your progress!

    That is a good gift! They look like a lot of fun!
    Happy birthday Jimmy! That last picture of him is hilarious!

  2. oh yeah, and your bag and sling and stuff will be done soon, I'm thinking I'll send them out mid September. I just gotta find some time to do other stuff beside lesson plans right now! :)
    also I'm sending a couple of other things too!
